Friday, December 5, 2008

Angrydoc attempts to rip-off a faggy series of books about emo-fag Vampires

In my version, a nerdy, fat geek falls in love with a beautiful, mysterious, emo-fag girl with giant boobs. This emo-fag booby girl also seems to like nerdy geek loserboy however impossible that may be in real life. After a series of cliche scenes cynically written to lure in the lonely geek virgin boyz crowd, booby emo-fag girl finally reveals to nerdy loser boy that she's a manananggal. They realize they're meant for each other and in the final book they finally get to have sex. However, in the final scene, as they get ready to "dooooo eeeet" they both realize that booby girl had left her lower half (with the IMPORTANT PARTS!) behind in the last battle.

Final quote from nerdy geek loserboy: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

I haven't read (and I don't plan to read) THAT series but fan-girls annoy the shit out of me.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Still no signs of intelligence from Team Brian morons.

I haven't been checking out or updating the blog lately since I haven't found anything to be angry about for the past few months. Angrydoc is out of the Rat hole clinic and while still not in residency is mildly hopeful about the future. I just came back from abroad and eventhough I suffered a terrible setback there, I, with the help of family and friends, was able to channel my emotions away from the Anger into the more manageable depressed state that I'm currently in.


Anyway, something I wrote long ago about some idiot, racist faggot was read by one of his pathetic, loser fans. He/she/it sent me a nice message as a comment to one of my despairing blog entries. I published the comment and I'm also going to show it to you, loyal readers , as an early Christmas gift.

Anonymous: "Sorry mate but Brian's blog is still up and you're still a miserable twat of a doctor.

Go study nursing you pathetic piece of shit."

Aaaaw. Soooo cute! It's a hate-filled, logic-depleted, typical comment from that fag's blog. Excuse me asshole, I'm not a miserable twat of a doctor. I'm a great doctor! What I am is a miserable twat of a human being. And being a miserable twat of a human being, your comment makes me judge you all the more and I am even more convinced that ALL Team B members are moron-level idiots.

Aaaaaaaargh, the stupidity of these people just gave me a headache.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm on the verge of just giving up.

I give up. I did everything and I still ended up with nothing. Am I one of those people? The possibility now looms large and it's scaring me to death. I've experienced this before and it doesn't get any better each time. Lord, please help me because I just want to roll over and die.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Why the hell can't I be happy?!

My life is pretty good but why can't I get what I really want?!

Monday, June 9, 2008


You know what's shit? That iridology crap that fucking Osaka Health Clinic is pushing. I've never heard a more ridiculous pile of crap than their claim that all diseases can be diagnosed just by looking at the iris. Aside from diabetes and hypertension, and some metabolic derangements such as Wilson's disease I'm currently unaware of any other illness that can be diagnosed by looking at the eye, and most of the time, we look at the retina, not the iris.

A few days ago, at the rat-hole clinic, I saw a patient who was worried about an abdominal mass. Her history was unremarkable except for a suspicion of a myoma on ultrasound long ago. No myoma was seen on a later consult at a hospital. Physical exam was normal and I did not detect any abdominal mass. I asked her why she was worried about a mass and she said that she had been to that iridology place and had been told may tumutubong bukol (a mass is growing inside me.)

At first, I was impressed since the idiot iridologist (iridiotlogist?) had seemed to have made a correct guess. I asked the patient if the iridiotlogist had told her where the "bukol" (mass) was. Basta, meron daw sabi nila.

What the hell?!

What use is iridiotlogy if it can't even tell you what you may have? Oh, mahina baga mo, mahina atay mo, mahina puso mo, etc. They will tell you that bullshit but any nurse, doctor, or even medical student can tell you what you're really at risk for just by talking to you and getting your history and doing a correct physical exam. No need for more bullshit about looking at your iris and shit.

I reassured the patient and sent her home but I scheduled her for an ultrasound and an appointment with the gynecologist just to be sure. Man, I hate those fuckers at the iridiotlogy clinic for giving my patient undeserved anxiety.

Fuck them.

Friday, May 30, 2008

An appeal to America.

I stumbled upon these pictures today and it evoked a strong sense of sadness and rage in me.

Here's the link:

America, please impeach Bush. He is a criminal.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

(Med) Certifiably bullshit.

A medical certificate is a piece of paper that states that you were seen by a doctor and that either: A.) you're fit to work or go to school or B.) stay home, you sick little shit. I usually have no problems with patients asking me for one because I see it as part of the service I give to them. However, the rat-hole place (THE CLINIC) has other ideas. I was told during my first few days at the place that I should have the patient go to the front desk whenever I issue a medical certificate. Apparently, they charge the patient an extra fee for the medical certificate. None of the extra fee goes to me, the guy whose name and license number are stamped on the fucking thing.

Angrydoc, the rat hole pays for the printing of the forms, you might say. Yes, but how much does a piece of paper cost if they have it printed by the ream? Less than a peso per piece I'm sure! The rat hole charges much, much more than that. Di na yata tama yan ano. Yes, part of my pagka-asar is the fact that we get nothing for it, even though it's our name and our license on the paper. The thing I object to mainly is that the clinic will attempt to squeeze more money out of the patient.


As a rebellion against this shit situation, whenever I can get away with it, I give the damn things away for free. I ask the patient to step into the examination room and then give them the certificate. I tell them to hide it. Sometimes, I just write the certificate on the prescription pad, so that the patient can have an easier time hiding it.

What if the clinic decides to share some of the fee with us, you ask? Hahaha! Don't be funny. They'd never do that.

The owner would have a heart attack.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Somebody please tell Brian Gorrell to shut the fuck up!

I have to admit that I was initially hooked on his blog. The sad story of a foreigner getting duped by a countryman had me sympathizing with the poor guy. The entertainment I got from reading the comments section was priceless and was actually the main reason I kept coming back to that shit blog. I despise those useless socialites and I had no idea that so many people felt the same way about those GG idiots.

The novelty began to wane however when all the guy could write about was "pay up, pay up!" and "these guys are cokeheads." He also insisted that he had proven that he had given $70,000 to his ex but so far, what he had shown was way below the 70,000 he claimed.

It began to get boring. He added a PayPal button and ads which made me suspicious. The comments section also became unbearable and brainless as Team Brian began to become more and more rabid in their support for their foreigner hero. Dissenters were immediately put down, sometimes with profanity* and illogic and there just seemed to be more and more "We love you B, we support you" crap.

After weeks of reading through his rants against the Philippines, calling us 3rd world every chance he got and dragging in people who weren't even involved in his gay fag drama, I was fed up.

Brian Gorrell is crass, arrogant, ignorant, and most of all a racist. His blog is irresponsible and if not stopped will keep on spewing hate and unproven rumors against people.

Somebody please shut his shit mouth up.

*I was part of these assholes before I got my brain functioning again.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Life is beating the living crap out of me

A lot of people have it worse than I do, I know, but my life seems so shitty right now. While I'm grateful I still have a job at the rat-hole clinic, I'm beginning to get tired of being just a GP. The monotony of the daily routine there and the sheer oppressiveness of the atmosphere is really getting me down. Plus, in financial terms I'm back to square zero. Not even square one, mind you, but zero. I had to spend it on something very important to me and right now I can't tell it to anyone who's reading this crap blog. For me, it was money well spent but the loss of it is going to hurt a little bit. I had plans for that money.

I'm trying to fix myself, get back on track and finally get that training I want so much. I get depressed just thinking about it, all the time I'm wasting doing pre-emp and letting my brain go soft. I know it's going to take a long time and a lot of hard work but it's just SO DAMN HARD FOR ME.

One day, I'm going to look back on all this and laugh. Right now though, it's a really dark time for me.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Comedians in the clinic. (I hate comedians.)

I understand that most of the people who come to the rat-hole clinic I work in would rather be somewhere else. I can't really blame them because the atmosphere in that place really sucks. Almost non-functioning air conditioning, brusque staff members and perhaps worst of all, a cold as fish, almost asshole-ish male examining physician. Me.

I don't do friendly. We see around 40-60 pre-employment patient-clients daily, not counting the10-20 actual medical consults we get, and add to that the medical certificates we have to sign for the employees of a crappy motel chain here in Manila. With that amount of toxic, I am in no mood to exchange pleasantries with pre-emps. ( I am nice to consults though. They have real problems.) My philosophy regarding pre-emp clients is this: I'm not going to waste your time, Sir/ Ma'am, let's do this fast so you can get back to what you need to do. With the oppressive atmosphere of the place, I think I'm actually doing them a service. Hehehe.

While not friendly, I am at least civil and polite to them and for some, I can be quite nice (read: some pre-emps are pretty girls). Pleasantries will delay or prolong the physical exam and make the other people 's stay in that rat-hole place longer. So I have to dispense with the nicey-nicey and the chit-chat.

There are some people though who seem to be immune to the soul-destroying, life-sucking ambiance of the clinic. One of them is my co-worker GP Dra. J, who seems to hold it together better than I do. God bless her, I think it's because she's married. (Maybe I should get married na din.) Another is this guy who was there for a pre-employment physical exam. I was asking him his medical history. The conversation happened in Tagalog.

Me: Have you ever been hospitalized in your whole life?

Dude: Yes, doctor.

Me: When was that, sir?

Dude: When I was born. Hehehehe, joke lang po.


I gave him a lame laugh and mentally gave him the finger.

I hate comedians.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I might be next!!

In a previous post, I made kuwento about "S", one of the GPs hired by the kuripot "M" for his Laguna office. S found out later than she was paid less for her work just because she was from Laguna unlike the other GP who was from somewhere nearer Manila. S was later given a salary adjustment so that she wouldn't quit and we all thought that was that.

It wasn't.

What happened next can be best described as an honest-to-goodness BUTT-FUCK. She got butt-fucked.

S was told a few weeks later by the staff, after her clinic was done, that she was no longer needed at the Laguna clinic. She was surprised and called P who was the one who hired her in the first place. He told her that he was doing performance reviews and he had received complaints about her attitude and that she was sungit to her patients.

What a load of horse manure! Performance reviews my ass! Ano kami, residents?! If anyone ever deserved to be let go from that clinic based on kasungitan, it should be me, but I'm still working there. Hell no. This, I am 100% sure, was because of the fucking salary issue. The kuripot "M" was probably miffed and humiliated that he was found out to be a miser and forced to give in to a lousy GP like S.

What happened to S opened my eyes to the fact that P is not our friend. He is a creature of M and whatever this guy wants, P will do. I never thought that he was capable of humiliating a fellow doctor by asking her to stay then firing her later with a totally bogus reason, but he did it anyway.

I'm beginning to wonder though that if just to save face, P will actually do performance reviews. Will I be next to get the axe?

Hope not, but if that happens, shit, that'll make a really good blog entry.

Mother frakker!

I was having a pretty good day in the office. It was relatively benign for a Monday. There were few pre-employment client-patients, a few consults, NO CIRCUMCISIONS, and the owner of the shit-fuck clinic didn't show his kuripot face that day.

Then, at around 3 pm, the front desk person-girl, told me I had a phone call. It was the mother of one of the pre-employment clients I had marked "pending" due to UTI. I had given this person a prescription for an antibiotic, co-trimoxazole,to be taken for 3 days. The mother wanted to ask me a question. Sure, I said, what is the question? What happened next brought on THE ANGER.

"Bakit ito ang binigay nyo para sa UTI na ito din ang binigay noon sa kanya para sa ubo?"

I swear to God that then and there wanted to put down the phone. Slam it in someone's face, in fact. In a moment of almost-lost-self-control, I blithely asked her if she was a doctor. No, she wasn't. She just wanted to make sure that I didn't make a mistake. While counting to ten, I simultaneously (and calmly) explained that broad spectrum antibiotics can be used for many diseases. That particular drug, I explained, can also be used (but not often) for upper respiratory diseases. The mother then hung up after thanking me.

Ewan ko ba bakit ang sungit ko dahil lang sa simpleng tanong. I think I may have been irritated by the fact that the mother was meddling in her daughter's medical care. The caller was the mother of my ADULT patient; a person who could make her own decisions regarding her health. Tatawag tawag pa eh! It would probably have been okay if the patient herself had called me, but shit, man, bakit yung nanay ang tumawag?!. Hrrrr.

Yeah, arrogance could be the real cause of my anger today, but I'm going to attribute it to my aversion to the meddling in my adult patient's affairs by her pakialamera mother.

Yup, that's it.

Just so I could sleep tonight.

Could the mother had confused cotrimoxazole with co-amoxiclav? Shit, that's even more annoying.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The total uselessness of medical missions.

Saturday, April 12, 2008. My mother had volunteered me for a medical mission organized by her church group at our parish. Being her good little boy, I agreed to go so that she won't be pahiya to her church lady-friends. I arrived there fashionably late by ten minutes, expecting the other doctors to already be working. However, it was only me and another doctor who were present. The others would arrive later. Hrrrr...

At around 8:30, the patients started coming in, and the ANGER began.
First case: sipon at ubo. Next case was also sipon. Third case? Take a goddamn guess. PURO SIPON!! The weird thing is, parents of these kids wouldn't actually give a crap about the colds if there wasn't a medical mission nearby. I was so reluctant to give medications for something that was going to go away by itself. Worse, I saw a few adults and kids who went there even though they had been advised earlier by their OWN doctors in REAL clinics or hospitals to be admitted, or have x-rays or other diagnostics done. What. The. Hell.

Medical missions are counterproductive in many ways. Aside from the tired old reason that it fosters a hand-out mentality, it is a wasted effort, gives a false sense of satisfaction to the organizers, gives no long-lasting good and it diverts funds away from other, better out-reach projects. The angrydoc will elaborate.

There are better ways to do outreach programs that will have a more longer lasting impact. For example, doing a deworming program will give 6 months of benefit for the children. Add some health education and donate slippers and footwear, soap and get some access to clean water and THERE will be real, long term benefit. The deworming and health education can be done on a single day, with the same amount of effort as the medical mission and it will be shorter AND easier. The access to clean water will have to involve the community but that will also take care of the hand-out mentality. We teach them to take what they need, not wait for it to be given.

Shit! Medical missions are the lazy way out. A way for orgs to smugly say that they provide service however fleeting and minuscule the benefit is. Somebody please shoot me if I ever get invited to another medical mission.

Holy f*ck! I suck!

Holy fuck! I do not rule!I totally suck!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Whoa, that's like, so unfair, dude!

S is one of the GPs I used to work with at the rat-hole clinic I go to. She later went to the Laguna office of the clinic to work as the examining physician/ GP there, leaving me and J and C as the GPs for the Quezon City branch. I later learned from one of the GPs of the Laguna branch that they were earning 300 pesos more than us QC branch GPs. I didn't give it anymore thought because I assumed that the Laguna branch was earning more than the QC clinic.

J got a text massage from S yesterday telling her that she had found out that she was getting PhP 300 less than the other GP. She was getting the same rates as we were while the other GP was getting a lot more. She was pretty upset and wanted to find out why. At first, she thought that the secretaries were stealing from her. When she confronted them, she found out that the owner of the clinic, M, was the one who told them to give the other GP a larger PF. The reason was that this other GP had to come all the way from Las Pinas.

Syempre nakakapikon yun para kay S di ba?

She does the same amount of work but for less cash only because she's from Laguna. That's like, unfair dude. Poor S! I texted her and told her to not report for work until they gave her her due. Let's see how they like that! Ha. She texted back and told me that if they didn't fix this, she was leaving.

Poor S. I understand how she feels. Our boss, Doc G also understood how she felt but he wasn't the one who determined the salaries. M did.

M is really a kuripot monkey. We had to pull tooth and nail to get him to pay us a higher PF this year. He only raised the pay because nobody wanted to go work for him. His rat hole clinic has a hard time getting staffed because of the really low salaries.

Sige lang, there's karma. If there's one thing I know, people will always get what's coming to them. Maybe not now, but someday.

Bad service at KFC! HRRRRRR!!!

I was having a pretty good day at the rat-hole clinic I work in until lunch when the forces of shit conspired to destroy my good mood. The dumbass girl at the counter took my order and laid out the food in the plastic bags for take out. When she went to follow up on my order, I checked the bags to see if everything was there. Hmm, no spoons and forks. I asked (nicely) for the kubyertos and the shit-face woman then told me in her fake apologetic voice that they were out of plastic utensils.

As steam began to rise out of my collar and come out of my ears, I asked shit-face how I was going to eat the food.

"Papano ko kakainin yan?"

"Sir, wala na po spoon and fork."

Idiot! As if repeating something I already knew would make it less irritating.


"I'd like to talk to the manager."

The moron manager, no doubt cowed by my manly man-anger declined to speak to me and rushed to the store room to find utensils. Meanwhile, I tried to melt Shit-face the Cashier Girl with my gaze of death. Didn't work. Damnit, it never does!

Shit-face gave me a number and I sat down fuming. Moron the manager then came and told me that utensils were on the way from their Gateway branch. I unleashed hell on her dishonest ass-face.

"Miss, yung cashier nyo gave me the food without telling me na wala na kayo spoons and forks! Ano ba naman klaseng serbisyo yan?! SINASAYANG NYO ORAS KO E!"

Eventually the utensils came (from Chow King pa!) and I went back to the clinic. However, I did wash the utensils before using them. I somehow got suspicious of how clean they were after that little scene I made at the KFC branch.

I'm still furious.

This wasn't some poor harassed person who forgot an order. They deliberately didn't mention to their customers that they had run out. Totally unacceptable! Is that KFC branch so desperate for sales that they were willing to inconvenience customers? The least they could do was suspend take out orders until they could get utensils from wherever. After discussing it with my GP workmate, I decided to write a complaint to the KFC brass. However, when I got home and tried to look for their corporate site, there was no feedback or complaints section.

Fuck you KFC.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Aaaaargh! I fucking hate my life.

My Easter Sunday has been ruined. A few days ago, I was asked by my boss to find some GPs willing to go out of Manila for an Annual PE for a company. The gig was going to take 3 days so I had to find two people willing to stay near the site for 3 days. I asked around and found three doctors willing to slave themselves for the smallish payment. I sent their numbers to the boss and waited for his reply. I sent it THRICE and still no reply. Religious obligations (naks!) pushed the issue out of my mind until this Easter when the rotten sonofagun texted me asking who the MDs for the job where. He was texting me using another number.

SHIT. What happened to all the text messages I sent?! He changed his number without telling me!! Gawdamnit! I was sent scrambling trying to find out if they were available. Since I'm ranting about this shit, my recruits weren't available. They had waited and waited until they got fed up and took other jobs. I actually had a hard time believing all of them found jobs so quickly. I suspect they just got pissed off at us and decided they weren't interested.

SHIIIIIT. Fucking asshole shit!

I wasn't the boss. I'm just an employee. Why the hell was I being asked to do this?! What the hell, man?!

Anyway, I'm going to that job tomorrow. My poor friend J. will be manning the clinic alone tomorrow and then will go to the out-of-town shit job for the next 2 days while I'll be at the clinic alone.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Fuck, I googled someone.

I finally went and did it. The one thing I swore I would not do, because it would mean I had finally hit rock bottom. I did it in a moment of weakness and now I feel ashamed of myself.

I googled someone.

She was my crush for the longest time but we lost touch after school and I haven't even thought about her until a few days ago when we former classmates met for dinner at that shitty mall in EDSA. I was cool, or so I thought, until she walked in and made beso to all of us. Holy shit.

She was beautiful. More than ever.

After a few days of trying not to text her or call her, I was feeling depressed. I was so down that not even calling my best friend a "gay fag" helped. So, in a moment of extreme weakness, I googled her name.

I typed...

What?! Do you really think I'd tell you what her name is?!

Do you think angrydoc is a loser? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


As a doctor, I was taught to have unconditional positive regard for all my patients and to always affirm the value of each person. However, working as an in-house physician in a clinic and diagnostic center here in Manila has sometimes made me forget about all those high sounding crap taught to me in med school and wish that I could wrap my hands around my patient's neck and squeeze to my heart's content.

My duties in the clinic involve seeing general medicine cases, such as the common colds, a lot of urinary tract infections and many many sexually transmitted infections. I also see some patients that need follow up such as hypertensive old people but I often just refer them to the specialists since they get their income from the number of patients they see. My second set of duties include doing pre-employment physical examinations for all the clients that the clinic has. I see the client-patient, do PE and later classify if they are fit to work or not depending on the results of the laboratory tests and chest x-rays. This duty takes up the bulk of my time and absolutely requires no brain power.

What it requires though is patience. Lots of it. Whole heaping piles of it. A fucking shitload of it. Everyday, I am plagued with at least one little shit-face who manages to make my temper rise and swear that this would be my last day in that place. Everyday I get to see people who make me rethink about going to pathology or radiology where I don't have to deal with people.

Please don't get me wrong, the vast majority of my patients and those I see to do pre-employment PE to are good people and I am oftentimes satisfied and happy that I was able to provide a service to them. It's just that some of them have a real talent of making me want to go Chuck Norris on them and destroy them with a round house kick. To the face.

This blog will record my daily frustrations with my patients, the people I work with, and other dumbass people or situation I encounter here in Metro Manila. Most probably, I will also be writing about my own dumbass deeds since I do end up getting pissed off at myself often.

Let the anger begin.