Thursday, May 29, 2008

(Med) Certifiably bullshit.

A medical certificate is a piece of paper that states that you were seen by a doctor and that either: A.) you're fit to work or go to school or B.) stay home, you sick little shit. I usually have no problems with patients asking me for one because I see it as part of the service I give to them. However, the rat-hole place (THE CLINIC) has other ideas. I was told during my first few days at the place that I should have the patient go to the front desk whenever I issue a medical certificate. Apparently, they charge the patient an extra fee for the medical certificate. None of the extra fee goes to me, the guy whose name and license number are stamped on the fucking thing.

Angrydoc, the rat hole pays for the printing of the forms, you might say. Yes, but how much does a piece of paper cost if they have it printed by the ream? Less than a peso per piece I'm sure! The rat hole charges much, much more than that. Di na yata tama yan ano. Yes, part of my pagka-asar is the fact that we get nothing for it, even though it's our name and our license on the paper. The thing I object to mainly is that the clinic will attempt to squeeze more money out of the patient.


As a rebellion against this shit situation, whenever I can get away with it, I give the damn things away for free. I ask the patient to step into the examination room and then give them the certificate. I tell them to hide it. Sometimes, I just write the certificate on the prescription pad, so that the patient can have an easier time hiding it.

What if the clinic decides to share some of the fee with us, you ask? Hahaha! Don't be funny. They'd never do that.

The owner would have a heart attack.

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